Results for 'Ada Babette Netschke-Hentschke'

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  1.  29
    La transformation de la philosophie de Platon dans le 'Prologos' d'Albinus.Ada Babette Netschke-Hentschke - 1991 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 89 (2):165-184.
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    Une nouvelle étude sur le platonisme antique.Ada Babette Netschke-Hentschke - 1993 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 91 (3):459-465.
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    Philosophische Anthropologie: Ursprünge und Aufgaben.Ada Babette Neschke-Hentschke & Hans Rainer Sepp (eds.) - 2008 - Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz.
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    Les herméneutiques au seuil du XXIème siecle: évolution et débat actuel.Ada Babette Neschke-Hentschke, Francesco Gregorio & Catherine König-Pralong (eds.) - 2004 - Dudley, MA: Peeters.
    Le XXe siecle a ete caracterise par l'essor de l'hermeneutique philosophique. Il est temps de proposer un bilan de ces elaborations et de projeter les possibles evolutions de l'hermeneutique au XXIe siecle. Le present volume s'attelle a cette tache: il retrace les chemins de l'hermeneutique, de Wilhelm Dilthey a Michel Foucault. Il met en evidence un phenomene de diversification de l'hermeneutique en l'espece de trois courants prioritaires, dont les divergences de vue ont donne lieu a des debats. D'ailleurs, pour etre (...)
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    Platonisme politique et théorie du droit naturel: contributions à une archéologie de la culture politique européenne.Ada Babette Neschke-Hentschke & Jacques Follon - 1995 - Dudley, MA: Editions Peeters. Edited by J. Follon.
    La justice est-elle une illusion? Si tel etait le cas, que penser de l'Etat de droit contemporain, lui qui resulte d'une longue et continuelle recherche de la justice par les penseurs occidentaux? Avec Platon, la philosophie occidentale a en effet debute sa longue quete d'un modele pour batir la cite. Le modele de Platon, la justice transcendante ou naturelle (to; fuvsei divkaion), fut accueilli a Rome par Ciceron. Cette phase inaugurale de l'histoire de la philosophie politique occidentale est etudiee dans (...)
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    Le Timée de Platon: contributions à l'histoire de sa réception = Platos Timaios: Beiträge zu seiner Rezeptionsgeschichte.Ada Babette Neschke-Hentschke (ed.) - 2000 - Leuven: Peeters.
    Le volume rassemble quatorze contributions etudiant les diverses reinterpretations du Timee qui se situent entre l'empire romain et notre siecle. Tandis que les etudes portant sur des auteurs singuliers tels que Galien (M. Vegetti), Calcidius (E. Rudolph), Proclus (A. Lernould), Boece (W. Mesch), M. Ficin (A. Etienne) et N.A. Whitehead (G. Betegh) mettent en relief des moments importants de la reception du "Timee", les contributions de W. Rod, K. Gloy et L. Brisson permettent de comparer globalement la vision antique et (...)
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    Images de Platon et lectures de ses œuvres: les interprétations de Platon à travers les siècles.Ada Babette Neschke-Hentschke & Alexandre Etienne (eds.) - 1997 - Louvain: Peeters Publishers.
    Le volume "Images de Platon et lectures de ses oeuvres" rassemble vingt et une contributions consacrees a diverses relectures qui ont ete faites de l'oeuvre ecrite de Platon entre le IIIe siecle (Diogene Laerce, Plotin) et le XXe sievle (K. Popper). Dans l'introduction, Ada Neschke met en lumiere le cheminement de ces relectures et souligne le fait que les lectures de Platon sont constamment alimentees par des preoccupations propres a ses lecteurs. Dans un premier temps, l'oeuvre de Platon est integree (...)
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    La naissance du paradigme herméneutique: Schleiermacher, Humboldt, Boeckh, Droysen.André Laks & Ada Babette Neschke-Hentschke - 1990 - Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.
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    Ada Babette Hentschke: Politik und Philosophie bei Plato und Aristoteles.Andreas Graeser - 1974 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 56 (2).
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  10. Hentschke, Ada Babette: Politik und philosophie bei Plato und aristoteles. [REVIEW]Andreas Graeser - 1974 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 56 (2):182.
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  11. Über Platos "Gesetze".Ada B. Neschke-Hentschke - 1986 - Philosophische Rundschau 33:265.
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  12. Thrasymachos' sogennante Definition des Gerechten in Plato's 'Politeia'.Ada Neschke-Hentschke - 1985 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 29.
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  13. Geschichten und Geschichte:: Zum Beispiel Prometheus bei Hesiod und Aischylos.Ada Neschke-Hentschke - 1983 - Hermes 111 (4):385-402.
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    The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Political Thought.Ada Neschke-Hentschke - 2003 - Phronesis 48 (2):152-163.
  15.  14
    Platonisme politique et jusnaturalisme européen.Ada Neschke-Hentschke - 2007 - Philosophie Antique 7:219-254.
    L’étude a pour but d’évaluer la contribution de la pensée politique de Platon à la genèse de l’État de droit actuel. Loin d’être la source des « totalitarismes » modernes (Karl Popper), la pensée platonicienne a amorcé une réflexion millénaire sur l’État de justice conçue comme un ordre proportionnel. En témoigne le premier jusnaturalisme chrétien (ve-xve siècle) qui, à l’aide de Platon, a construit la cité humaine juste comme une mimesis de l’univers régi par le Dieu chrétien parfaitement juste. L’écho (...)
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    Literarische Form und Grenzen des Arguments in Platons Gesetzen.Ada Neschke-Hentschke - 2013 - In Michael Erler & Jan Erik Heßler, Argument Und Literarische Form in Antiker Philosophie: Akten des 3. Kongresses der Gesellschaft Für Antike Philosophie 2010. De Gruyter. pp. 143-168.
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  17. Platonisme politique et théorie du droit naturel. Contribution à une archéologie de la culture politique européenne, vol. 1 : Le platonisme politique dans l'Antiquité.Ada Neschke-Hentschke & Jacques Follon - 1999 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 189 (4):514-514.
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    Marsile ficin lecteur Des Lois.Ada Neschke-Hentschke - 2000 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 190 (1):83-102.
    Marcile Ficin, traducteur de Platon, a aussi été le premier commentateur de la République et des Lois. Mû par un intérêt philosophique et théologique, Ficin considère que les Lois sont la version « réalisable » de la République où Platon avait anticipé le modèle parfait de la cité chrétienne. Une cité qui aurait pour tâche de préparer le citoyen à réaliser son souhait le plus ardent à savoir la « visio Dei ». La cité de Platon dans les Lois est (...)
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    11. Die uneingeschränkt beste Polisordnung (VII–VIII).Ada Neschke-Hentschke - 2001 - In Otfried Höffe, Aristoteles: Politik. Akademie Verlag. pp. 169-186.
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    11. Die uneingeschränkt beste Polisordnung (VII –VIII).Ada Neschke-Hentschke - 2011 - In Otfried Höffe, Aristoteles: Politik. Akademie Verlag. pp. 147-162.
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    Warum Philosophie? Die Antwort Platons im Licht der Differenz von Theorie und Praxis.Ada Neschke-Hentschke - 2011 - In Marcel Ackeren, Theo Kobusch & Jörn Müller, Warum Noch Philosophie?: Historische, Systematische Und Gesellschaftliche Positionen. De Gruyter. pp. 39-103.
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    Zur historischen und literarischen bedeutung Von ciceros Schrift „de legibus“.Ada Hentschke - 1971 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 115 (1-4):118-130.
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    Der Ort des ortlosen Denkens. Über Platos Politik.Ada Neschke-Hentschke - 1988 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 42 (4):597 - 619.
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  24. Schütrumpf: Die Analyse der Polis durch Aristoteles. [REVIEW]Ada B. Neschke-Hentschke - 1983 - Philosophische Rundschau 30:145.
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    Politischer Aristotelismus: die Rezeption der aristotelischen Politik von der Antike bis zum 19. Jahrhundert.Christoph Horn & Ada Neschke-Hentschke (eds.) - 2008 - Stuttgart: Metzler.
    Werk und Wirkung. Die "Politik" ist die bedeutendste staatsphilosophische Schrift des Aristoteles; aus ihr bildete sich schon früh die abendländische Tradition politischen Denkens. Vom Hellenismus über Spätantike und Mittelalter bis zum 19. Jahrhundert die verschlungene Geschichte des politischen Aristotelismus ist bislang nur lückenhaft aufgearbeitet. Die in diesem Band versammelten Kapitel werfen ein neues Licht auf die komplexen Nachwirkungen der aristotelischen "Politik".
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    La naissance du paradigme herméneutique: de Kant et Schleiermacher à Dilthey.André Laks & Ada B. Neschke-Hentschke (eds.) - 2008 - Villeneuve-d'Ascq: Presses universitaires du Septentrion.
    La première édition de La Naissance du paradigme herméneutique remonte à 1990.
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  27. Ada Neschke-Hentschke (Hg.), Argumenta in Dialogos Piatonis. Teil 1: Platoninterpretation und ihre Hermeneutik von der Antike bis zum Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts. [REVIEW]Gerald Hartung - 2011 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 118 (1):173.
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  28. BUCHBESPRECHUNGEN-Christoph Horn/Ada Neschke-Hentschke (Hgg.), Politischer Aristotelismus. Die Rezeption der aristotelischen" Politik" von der Antike bis zum 19. Jahrhundert. [REVIEW]Matthias Vonarburg - 2009 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 116 (2):422.
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    Ada Neschke.André Laks - 2014 - Philosophie Antique 14:5-6.
    Ada Neschke-Hentschke est décédée en juillet 2013 dans sa maison de La Laupie (Drôme), en pleine santé, alors qu’elle s’apprêtait à sortir pour aller écouter un concert. Elle avait en 2006 pris sa retraite de l’Université de Lausanne, où elle occupait depuis 1991 la chaire de Philosophie antique, après avoir enseigné plusieurs semestres comme professeur invitée par le Centre de recherche philologique à l’Université Charles de Gaulle/ Lille 3 et en 1989-1990 à Louvain-la-Neuve, dans la chaire...
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  30.  46
    Nietzsche: Looking right, reading left.Babette Babich - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (3):261-268.
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    Reading David Hume’s » Of the Standard of Taste «.Babette E. Babich (ed.) - 2019 - Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter.
    This collection dedicated to and including David Hume's "Of the Standard of Taste," offers a much needed resource for students and scholars of philosophical aesthetics, political reflection, value and judgments, economics, and art. The authors include experts in the philosophy of art, aesthetics, history of philosophy as well as the history of science. Contributors include Babette Babich, Howard Caygill, Timothy M.Costelloe, Andrej Démuth / Slávka Démuthová, Bernard Freydberg, Peter Kivy, Carolyn Korsmeyer, Christopher MacLachlan, Emilio Mazza, Roger Schiner, Roger Scruton, (...)
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    Günther Anders' philosophy of technology: from phenomenology to critical theory.Babette E. Babich - 2022 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    Gunter Anders' Philosophy of Technology is the first comprehensive exploration of the ground-breaking work of German thinker Gunter Anders. Anders' philosophy has become increasingly prescient in our digitised, technological age as his work predicts the prevalence of social media, ubiquitous surveillance and the turn to big data. Anders' ouevre also explored the technologies of nuclear power and the biotech concerns for the human and transhuman condition which have become so central to current theory. Babette Babich argues that Anders offers (...)
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  33.  16
    Nietzsche, Epistemology, and Philosophy of Science: Nietzsche and the Sciences II.Babette Babich, Robert S. Cohen & Robert Sonné Cohen - 1999 - Springer Verlag.
    Nietzsche, Epistemology, and Philosophy of Science, is the second volume of a collection on Nietzsche and the Sciences, featuring essays addressing truth, epistemology, and the philosophy of science, with a substantial representation of analytically schooled Nietzsche scholars. This collection offers a dynamic articulation of the differing strengths of Anglo-American analytic and contemporary European approaches to philosophy, with translations from European specialists, notably Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, Paul Valadier, and Walther Ch. Zimmerli. This broad collection also features a preface by Alasdair (...)
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  34. Radio ghosts: Phenomenology’s phantoms and digital autism.Babette Babich - 2019 - Thesis Eleven 153 (1):57-74.
    Günther Anders offers one of the first phenomenological analyses of broadcast radio (in 1930) and its transformation of the contemporary experience of music. Anders also develops a reflection on its political consequences as he continues his reflection in a discussion of radio and newsreel, film and television in his 1956 ‘The World as Phantom and Matrix’. A reflection on the consequences of this transformation brings in Friedrich Kittler’s reflection on radio and precision bombing. A further reflection on Jean Baudrillard’s notion (...)
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    Argentina's Escuela Normal de Paraná and its Disciples: Mergers of Liberalism, Krausism, and Comtean Positivism in Sarmiento's Temple for Civilizing the Nation, 1870 to 1916.Jens R. Hentschke - 2011 - Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies 17 (1):1-31.
    Positivism, the predominant philosophy of Latin America’s elites at the end of the nineteenth century, found its exemplary expression in Brazil’s castilhismo and Mexico’s porfiriato. Argentina, in contrast, seemed to have deviated from the norm of ‘enlightened dictatorships’. After the end of the Rosas tyranny in 1852, authoritarianism had been discredited. Early positivism, as embodied by Teacher-President Sarmiento, could barely be distinguished from liberalism and no single political philosophy was able to exert hegemony. However, the significance of ‘scientific politics’ should (...)
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  36.  63
    Heidegger against the editors.Babette E. Babich - 2003 - Philosophy Today 47 (4):327-359.
  37. J. W. Bernauer, "Michel Foucault's Force of Flight".Babette E. Babich - 1993 - Humana Mente:135.
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  38. Towards a Post-Modern Hermeneutic Ontology of Art: Nietzschean Style and Heideggerian Truth.Babette E. Babich - 1991 - Analecta Husserliana 32:195.
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    Images, improvisations, sound, and silence from 1000 to 1800 - degree zero.Babette Hellemans & Alissa Jones Nelson (eds.) - 2018 - Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
    The act of drawing a line or uttering a word is often seen as integral to the process of making art. This is especially obvious in music and the visual arts, but applies to literature, performance, and other arts as well. These collected essays, written by scholars from diverse fields, take a historical view of the richness of creation out of nothing (creatio ex nihilo) in order to draw out debates, sometimes implicit and sometimes formally stated, about the production and (...)
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  40.  13
    Inquiries into the Israelitic-Jewish Chronology.Richard Hentschke - 1968 - Philosophy and History 1 (2):247-248.
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    José Victorino Lastarria's Libertarian Krauso-Positivism and the Discourse on State- and Nation-Building in Nineteenth-Century Chile.Jens R. Hentschke - 2012 - Intellectual History Review 22 (2):241-260.
    José Victorino Lastarria (1817–1888) was one of Chile's leading nineteenth-century pensadores, or public intellectuals in the tradition of the French philosophes. In a first synthesis of Latin American political thought, published in 1965, Leopoldo Zea considered him to be a prime example of a romantic liberal who gradually adopted positivist ideas, and this has remained the prevailing scholarly opinion. However, a closer look at Lastarria's intellectual trajectory shows that such a periodisation is too simplistic and underestimates the plurality and authenticity (...)
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    Spiegelungen – Friedrich II., Montezuma und Voltaire.Babette Kaiserkern - 2012 - In Brunhilde Wehinger & Günther Lottes, Friedrich der Große Als Leser. Akademie Verlag. pp. 185-202.
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    La filosofia della religione in Kant..Ada Lamacchia - 1969 - Manduria,: Lacaita.
    1. Dal dogmatismo teologico al teismo morale. (1755-1783).
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    Quedlinburg vor den Ottonen: Versuch einer frühen Topographie der Macht.Babette Ludowici - 2016 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 49 (1).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Frühmittelalterliche Studien Jahrgang: 49 Heft: 1 Seiten: 91-104.
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  45. From Fleck's denkstil to Kuhn's paradigm: Conceptual schemes and incommensurability.Babette E. Babich - 2003 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 17 (1):75 – 92.
    This article argues that the limited influence of Ludwik Fleck's ideas on philosophy of science is due not only to their indirect dissemination by way of Thomas Kuhn, but also to an incommensurability between the standard conceptual framework of history and philosophy of science and Fleck's own more integratedly historico-social and praxis-oriented approach to understanding the evolution of scientific discovery. What Kuhn named "paradigm" offers a periphrastic rendering or oblique translation of Fleck's Denkstil/Denkkollektiv , a derivation that may also account (...)
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  46. Gadamer, la belleza y la improvisación musical.Babette Babich - 2023 - Boletín de Estética (63):7-78. Translated by Facundo Bey.
    Resumen: En La actualidad de lo bello, Gadamer hace una referencia reveladora a la improvisación musical y a la importancia de la escucha musical, además de poner en primer plano la necesidad de justificación del arte. Situando este debate a través de Goethe y Platón, junto con las Lecciones de Estética de Adorno de finales de la década de 1950 y una discusión sobre Nietzsche y la Antigüedad, es posible establecer que lo que está en juego es la afinación, así (...)
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  47. Babette E. Babich: "Postmodern musicology" in: V. E. Taylor and C. Winquist, eds., Encyclopedia of postmodernism , (new York: Routledge, 2001). [REVIEW]Babette Babich - unknown
    The discipline of musicology, like the word itself which the Oxford English Dictionary dates only back to 1909 (or even 1915), is a twentieth-century, specifically Anglo-American, institution echoing the tradition of French musicologie and with analogies to German Musikwissenschaft. As a modern and ineluctably postmodern project, musicology derives from a predominantly Austro-German generation of scholars who translated a continentally European tradition of analysis (Heinrich Schenker and, in London, Donald Francis Tovey and Hans Keller) and formal music theory (routinely articulated by (...)
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  48. Heidegger's silence: Towards a post-modern topology.Babette Babich - manuscript
    in Charles Scott and Arleen Dallery, eds., Ethics and Danger: Currents in Continental Thought. Albany. State University of New York Press. 1992. Pp. 83-106.
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  49. On the analytic-continental divide in philosophy : Nietzsche's lying truth, Heidegger's speaking language, and philosophy.Babette E. Babich - 2003 - In C. G. Prado, A house divided: comparing analytic and continental philosophy. Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books.
    On the political nature of the analytic - continental distinction in professional philosophy and the general tendency to discredit continental philosophy while redesignating the rubric as analytically conceived.
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    On the ‘Very Idea of a Philosophy of Science’: On Chemistry and Cosmology in Nietzsche and Kant.Babette Babich - 2021 - Axiomathes 31 (6):703-726.
    Beginning with a reflection on ‘conceptual schemes’ and ‘very’ ideas and proceeding to examine different approaches to thinking philosophy of science not only with Kant but also between traditional analytic and hermeneutico-phenomenological approaches, this essay features a review of Kant’s 1755 solar nebular hypothesis and a reading of Nietzsche and Kant on cosmology along with a reflection on chemistry and the properties of cinnabar. Overall it is argued that a philosophy of science must be critical rather than normative/prescriptive. Seeking to (...)
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